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Commit-Boost needs a configuration file detailing all the services that you want to run. Create a cb-config.toml and adjust it depending on which modules you plan to run.

For a full explanation of all the fields, check out here.

For some additional examples on config presets, check out here.

Minimal PBS setup on Holesky

chain = "Holesky"

port = 18550

url = ""

prometheus_config = "./docker/prometheus.yml"

You can find a list of MEV-Boost Holesky relays here. After the sidecar is started, it will expose a port (18550 in this example), that you need to point your CL to. This may be different depending on which CL you're running, check out here for a list of configuration guides.

Note that in this setup, the signer module will not be started.

Custom module

We currently provide a test module that needs to be built locally. To build the module run:

bash scripts/

This will create a Docker image called test_da_commit that periodically requests signatures from the validator, and a test_builder_log module that logs BuilderAPI events.

The cb-config.toml file needs to be updated as follows:

port = 18550

url = ""

keys_path = "/path/to/keys"
secrets_path = "/path/to.secrets"

prometheus_config = "./docker/prometheus.yml"

id = "DA_COMMIT"
type = "commit"
docker_image = "test_da_commit"
sleep_secs = 5

type = "events"
docker_image = "test_builder_log"

A few things to note:

  • We now added a signer section which will be used to create the Signer module. To load keys in the module, we currently support the Lighthouse validators_dir keys and secrets. We're working on adding support for additional keystores, including remote signers.
  • There is now a [[modules]] section which at a minimum needs to specify the module id, type and docker_image. Additional parameters needed for the business logic of the module will also be here,

To learn more about developing modules, check out here.