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Running the modules natively means you opt out of the security guarantees made by Docker and it's up to you how to setup and ensure the modules run safely.


Get the binary of the module either by compiling from source or by downloading a published release.

Modules need some environment variables to work correctly.


  • CB_CONFIG: required, path to the .toml config file.
  • CHAIN_SPEC_ENV: optional, path to a chain spec file. This will override the [chain] field in the .toml config.
  • CB_METRICS_PORT: optional, port where to expose the /metrics endpoint for Prometheus.
  • CB_LOGS_DIR: optional, directory to store logs. This will override the directory in the .toml config.

PBS Module

  • CB_BUILDER_URLS: optional, comma-separated list of urls to events modules where to post builder events.
  • CB_PBS_ENDPOINT: optional, override the endpoint where the PBS module will open the port for the beacon node.
  • CB_MUX_PATH_{ID}: optional, override where to load mux validator keys for mux with id=\{ID\}.

Signer Module

  • CB_JWTS: required, comma-separated list of MODULE_ID=JWT to process signature requests.
  • CB_SIGNER_PORT: required, port to open the signer server on.
  • For loading keys we currently support:
    • CB_SIGNER_LOADER_FILE: path to a .json with plaintext keys (for testing purposes only).
    • CB_SIGNER_LOADER_FORMAT, CB_SIGNER_LOADER_KEYS_DIR and CB_SIGNER_LOADER_SECRETS_DIR: paths to the keys and secrets directories or files (ERC-2335 style keystores, see Signer config for more info).
  • For storing proxy keys we currently support:
    • CB_PROXY_STORE_DIR: directory where proxy keys and delegations will be saved in plaintext (for testing purposes only).
    • CB_PROXY_KEYS_DIR and CB_PROXY_SECRETS_DIR: paths to the keys and secrets directories or files (ERC-2335 style keystores, see Proxy keys store for more info).
  • For Dirk remote signer the following envs are available (see Dirk config for more info):
    • CB_SIGNER_DIRK_CERT_FILE: required, path to the client certificate file.
    • CB_SIGNER_DIRK_KEY_FILE: required, path to the client key file.
    • CB_SIGNER_DIRK_SECRETS_DIR: required, path to the secrets directory.
    • CB_SIGNER_DIRK_CA_CERT_FILE: optional, path to the CA certificate file.


  • CB_MODULE_ID: required, unique id of the module.

Commit modules

  • CB_SIGNER_URL: required, url to the signer module server.
  • CB_SIGNER_JWT: required, jwt to use for signature requests (needs to match what is in CB_JWTS).

Events modules

  • CB_BUILDER_PORT: required, port to open to receive builder events from the PBS module.

Modules might also have additional envs required, which should be detailed by the maintainers.


After creating the cb-config.toml file, setup the required envs and run the binary. For example:

CB_CONFIG=./cb-config.toml commit-boost-pbs


Running the modules natively means you opt out of the security guarantees made by Docker and it's up to you how to setup and ensure the modules run safely.